Monday 11 May 2015

Our students have started this year ‘learning with confidence’. School Readiness Classes allow children to learn in a fun environment.  It is such an honour to be able to lead our students as they are first introduced to the sounds of letters. We have so much fun as we teach by using our philosophy of ‘hands on’ learning using colourful and motivating resources.

We like to extend our resources into the home environment so that our students can continue to reinforce the skills taught in the classes. Our resources all use a unique colour coded letter/number system and custom designed graphics. This assists our students to develop a deeper learning of the concepts being taught.
ED Specially 4U offers resources which teach concepts in a direct instruction model, and are then able to reinforce the learning with hands on games and activities.
 A learning resource parents enjoy introducing into their home, reinforces our letter/sound program. Sorting Sounds Game
This resource is incredibly useful to use from the moment that your children start learning their letters and sounds. At this point in our program;  the students have focussed on 9/10 letters and their sound.  This game is a great way to reinforce the sounds that have been learnt.
The resource includes a coloured baseboard for each letter. The letter is repeated on this page, so that the graphics from the program can be matched to the correct letter.
Following our learning program (as detailed at the start of each term, or check with your teacher about the relevant letters for your child at this point in time) you can select only the letters and the correct graphics to use. Depending upon the skills of your child—you could choose to do this one, two or three letters at a time.
As new letters are introduced each week, you can add this to the assortment of letters that your child plays with. It is important to keep the group of letters to a maximum of three at a time.
This game positively reinforces the letters and the sounds that are being learnt.
Our students love being able to recognise the graphics and letters they have learnt .  This game offers your child  the opportunity to reinforce the sounds they are learning in class, share their new learning with you and provide greater confidence in the content of the class.
This resource can be found at our online shop This resource gives you the flexibility of being able to order a fully completed resource that is prepared for you to use the day you receive it, or you can download the resource for a cheaper price to prepare for yourself.   Order your personal copy today
We love feedback, please let us know how you are finding our resources

For the Love of Learning



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