Everyone is rushing and worrying about gifts, if there is enough food and when to see everyone that needs to be remembered at this time of the year (Huge Sigh)
How do our children feel in all of this madness? Yes, the crazy season affects all of us.
This year I wanted my children to think about something other than the gifts they were going to get and what Christmas can give them. Luckily, they were exposed to this in a small way at their schools, when we had the opportunity of donating a present to a charity as well as completing 'Operation Christmas Child' (have a look at this if you have not seen it before - this was a very special activity to do: http://operationchristmaschild.org.au/)
It has been lovely for them to try their hand this year at Secret Santa. This gave them a lovely opportunity to actually choose the gift they wanted to give to someone in the family. They went in pairs and purchased the gifts themselves as well - which made it even more special.
I am always trying to think of ways to extend the sibling bond, and working within the family unit to really care about each other. I loved watching everyone post 'elf on the shelf'' blogs and instagram pictures, and decided to create:
Santa's Elves-Random acts of Kindness
This has been a fun activity. Each day when they peeled back the layer on their advent calendars they also had to choose a Santa's elf lucky dip from their Santa hats.
Inside the Santa hats they found a square of paper with today's activity written on it. They then had to achieve their 'Act of Kindness' to receive the advent treat. I was thrilled to see my children take this activity on with loads of enthusiasm. They were so excited to see what Santa Elf activity they would be doing each day.
Unfortunately, 25 days of kindness was too much kindness for my busy children, but it was very successful for approx 15 days of kindness - which was better than if we had not done it at all. Activities were centred mainly around the family, however there was the odd activity like - buy a friend something from the canteen at school, or offer to help your teacher that related to people outside the family. I was even thrilled to see that the children would choose each other differently to perform the acts of kindness to, nobody missed out. I loved receiving a note telling me 3 things they loved about me - but they also chose to do this for each other as well, which absolutely warmed my heart.
This is a busy and crazy time of the year, but it is the special traditions and the added 'Random Acts of Kindness' that you can fit into your day and the day of your children which help to make this holiday season so special.
For the Love of Learning